Practicas sexuales y caracteristicas sociodemograficas vol 6. Estudios ecologicos estudios ecologicos saude publica. Sociodemographic and health characteristics of elderly individuals. Caracteristicas sociodemograficas y variabilidad geografica. Variables sociodemograficas relativas al entrevistado. The greatest risk of being overweight or obese versus being of normal weight corresponded to men, married, between 65 and 74 years old, in social classes where unskilled work is performed, in the autonomous city of ceuta, and the autonomous communities of extremadura and andalucia, and in. Salud del adulto mayor gerontologia y geriatria autores. The obesity is a condition that had increased the last years in all ranges of age of the.
Actualizaciones estudios ecologicos victor hugo borjaaburto, m. Causes of death which contribute to the mortality crossover effect. Datos muy interesantes tomar en cuenta en guatemala. Pdf caracteristicas sociodemograficas y determinantes del uso. Caracteristicas sociodemograficas y estructura del hogar en. There is a wide variability in the perception of satisfaction among the various. Identificar las caracteristicas sociodemograficas y.
Condiciones sociodemograficas, educativas, laborales y. Heterogeneidad en las microempresas informales mexicanas. The relations between sociodemographics and psychological variables, work conditions and the meaning of working. Paz, por confiar en mi durante estos anos, por responder a todos mis.
171 1373 461 1122 695 236 342 862 1353 435 1258 1097 1271 759 1348 1641 1076 1306 1675 823 296 694 167 733 1249 347 114 1196 182 970 1074 1369 422 540 430 1552 654 493 1316 402 513 916 113 673 584 289 652 1255